The point of the statement is to remind people the NFL is a business, a fairly immoral one. They don’t care about his behavior until it started hurting them.
Just as they don’t care about the players from the 70s, 80s and 90s who helped to build the NFL and who are suffering now because their bodies are destroyed.
And I’m pointing out to you that the VAST MAJORITY businesses are just as amoral and have absolutely no reason to give a tinkers damn about your behavior away from work until it impacts them. For EXACTLY the reason you said, firing top employees is bad for business. Until something happens that makes them not a top employee.
There’s a very good chance at least one of you coworkers is a spouse abuser, you also probably work with a few alcoholics and drug addicts, some philanderers and all kinds of other bad behavior. And guys in management probably no about at least half of it just from water-cooler talk, and they will studiously ignore it ALL unless and until it hits the bottom line.