Ah yes the price tag...
The cost of welfare has been double the cost of the Middle-EAst wars and yet the nation will end if Military action isn’t stopped immediately. Yet nobody thinks the nation will end if welfare isn’t stopped. I see 1000 to 1 comments on this forum military vs welfare spending.
If spending were truly the problem, the biggest spending would be the first to be addressed.
yes, the price tag
you’re like a liberal, you don’t care what the price tag is
every dollar we spend today is a dollar borrowed or a dollar printed out of thin air. it all contributes to inflation and a debasement of our currency
that’s much more a national security threat than who’s killing who in Iraq or Ukraine
I shouldn’t say you’re like a liberal. you are a liberal - your big-government program just happens to be war, not welfare
Paul is being consistent. He says he is concerned about spending money we don't have. He says that to fix the problem we need to shrink government, cut social welfare, cut corporate welfare, cut foreign welfare and cut war spending.
Where have you seen him say that welfare spending isn't an issue?