They could stick it out in Fernley. Plenty of room, and if it burns down, the toxic gases won’t affect a large population center.
If Tesla does anything to help the sordid, slimy Whorehouse Harry, I’ll forget about anything the company produces.
No Nevada.
Not now.
Not until the slimeball is six feet under and his family has been publicly executed and his felonious monies have been distributed to the people.
How is the plant going to be powered?..... : )
Coal, nuclear?
How many hundreds of millions in handouts will it cost taxpayers this time?
Yesterday, on the local tv stations, the evening news said that Nevada won the prize.
One of the main reasons why Californicator land didn’t get the plant was Californicator’s overly strict enviro laws and regulations.
The irony in that reality is really great!:)
Where did Obama’s Battery Plant go ?
I am constantly thunderstruck at how many people are irrationally enthralled by Elon Musk and Tesla. They have received half a billion in taxpayer money and still have almost nothing to show for it. Never before has so little been built around so much hype.
Tesla, the company, is absolutely adored by Progressives. And, I have read where Tesla is very, very heavy-handed towards any publication that dares speak an ill word of Tesla or Musk.
The Tesla is a very expensive battery operated toy.
How much grant money is involved?
The new business model is not return on investment, but grant acquisition. The management team doesn’t need to make money, they only need to milk the grant.
Musk is a con artist. He’s going to build exactly as many five billion dollar battery plants as the number of “battery swapping” stations he built for public usage.
See how lowering taxes for preferred businesses bring them to certain states. These same people will not give similar tax cuts to the rest of the economy and cry when businesses flee the country.
Pray America wakes up
Musk: Thank Harry and Rory Reid for all their hard “work.”