You beat me to this.
Nah! The country and our fellow citizens beat us to it. The Trayvon/Michael vote, women, and the special competing interests the Democrats (rather brilliantly) combine have made their party the default political thought process of whatever is going to be left of the nation.
The fact that so many Americans cannot look at a Bill Clinton, an Al Gore, a John Kerry and a Barack Obama and not immediately see the greater of the evils on the ballot means this experiment is in thee oligarchical stage before tyranny.
Blind spot: a rather brilliant psychiatrist of my acquaintance tells me one the one hand, Obama is very sick and ought to be a patient, but on the other vehemently defends his every move and has voted for him twice. WTF? Over.
Of course, we no longer have competing political parties. There is the government party and the increasingly dumbed-down people. There is no informed information readily available and quite frankly IMNVHO, fewer people who would recognize it if it were. Politics are just entertainment.
I thought it would take longer to happen.