How would we know?
When a girl is killed by the males in her family because she doesn’t want to marry the jerkwad they’ve arranged for her to marry... and the cops saw her run away, knew why she ran away, and returned her to her family to be killed because they fear the Muslims.... and all this is what she’s been taught to expect because Allah finds women disgusting (except when they’re about 8 and make a good sexual release)...
I’d say she’s pretty much been abused by all the men who were supposed to protect her.
And it happens way too many times. Here in the US too.
I have a God who died for me, because He loves me so much. They have a selfish wimpy pansy who is offended by everything, like a petulant little brat who can’t handle anything real. It knocks me over that I have been given this joy that I don’t deserve, and I wish so much that every woman (and every man and child too) could have the real God, not the spoiled-brat demon-god of Islam.
Because such an occurrence is as impossible as a theoretical person who always chooses wrong. They would have to get something right if by nothing else but blind chance.
The "perpetual victim" is just a passive aggressive camouflage for chauvinism.