Bill Bennett was promoting PR this morning on Bill’s radio show.
Bill Bennett’s a RINO. His promoting of PR/shamnesty should confirm that.
Bill Bennett has the morals of a conniving liar.
Every time I hear of him and recall that he wrote “The Book of Morals”, it makes me wonder if he ever read the damned thing.
Does he honestly think it’s moral or push Romney, the inspiration for Obamacare? Does he think it’s moral to trash Obamacare because it’s unConstituional, then support a man who wanted to replace it with his own better version of unConstitutional?
This is a guy who refused to admit Pat Buchanan wasn’t an anti-Semite. Okay, if that’s what he thinks, and if he believes that, then how come he used to go to Pat’s home by invitation to socialize there? I refuse to socialize with anti-Semites. Mr. Morals doesn’t.
Bennett is a massive fraud. Can’t stand the guy. He’s a pompous egotistical a.h.