I predict Rick Perry will ride Rosemary Lehmburg all the way to the White House.
The video is just waiting to be made; the raw material is already out there waiting to be photoshopped. I know....not enough eyebleach exists.
Anyway, Gov. Perry will get a huge positive backlash out of all this. He’s being literally shoved into the frontrunner role. A real conservative vs. the libertarian Rand Paul. And as much as I admire Ted Cruz, the MSM has been successful in making him look dark & sinister, a latter day Joe McCarthy (whom I also admire).
But this trumped-up indictment of Rick Perry will backfire on the Dems like a premature IED blast on muzzie terrorists.
Well Rick Perry isn’t perfect but at least he is trying to do something. Its incredibly hard to buck the Federal Govt. He’s managed to put troops on the border and he definitely hates Barky’s guts. All plus’s in my book.