We know limited use isnt bad and I believe it is already illegal while driving and operating machinery.
I could live with it banned if it helped keep pot banned.
I applaud your honesty - as opposed to the handwaving of many Drug Warriors on the subject of alcohol. But I bemoan the fact that you apparently don't know that alcohol Prohibition has been tried, over the opposition of the conservatives of the day, and proved to cause more ills than it cured.
You are giving the pot warriors theme. You can’t stop it, so go with it.
I disagree, we also try to stop theft, murder and rape. I think those will never go away either.
You really don't know your history. The Temperance/Anti-Saloon league was made up of "progressives" who we would nowadays call women's libbers. Indeed, it was their massive network that created both the 18th and 19th amendments. Mostly socially upscale wives of wealthy men leading the thing, just as with other socialist movements throughout history.
and proved to cause more ills than it cured.
Yeah, because were losing a LOT MORE THAN 90,000 PEOPLE PER YEAR BACK THEN, WEREN'T We?
Thank God we got rid of it, else the population would have never survived all the dead people caused by prohibition.
You are either naively ignorant, or just outright lying about stuff.