Because he had proven himself to be a fleeing violent felon making dead force appropriate.
“Because he had proven himself to be a fleeing violent felon making dead force appropriate.”
This is a justifiable difference between how the police and an individual should be treated. If I did this, I would be charged but not so for law enforcement. If the perp took the fatal shot on his knees, that may be different but just because he is on the loosing end and decided to run, I think the cop would be justified to shoot and hopefully capture rather than let the perp get away.
Really? You try that excuse after someone broke into your house, punched you in the face and you shot him 35 feet from your front door as he was running away UNARMED.
You would be charged with manslaughter at a minimum and murder most likely. So you advocate that agents of the state do not have to follow laws that govern the rest of us?