What is vastly underestimated, according to the fear-mongers at Reuters and the WHO? 20%? 50%? 100%? Still would only be a thousand or two.
Samaritan's Purse Congressional Testimony from last Thursday indicate the undercount to be 25-50%. I believe these people, because they have been on the ground. That was one week ago.
My personal belief is that the undercount is much worse. I believe it is following a standard pandemic outbreak and the numbers of infected are greater than 5000 this week, with the number of deaths approaching 2000.
They quit testing the bodies and isolating the family members. In many locations they are just picking up the dead and cremating them.
These are some of the most poorest, dysfunctional and corrupt countries in the world. I don't believe any of the official statements coming from their governments and WHO.