Sorry if the following offends: Please name one invention, technology or successful major program promulgated by a female. I’ll wait.
Margaret Thatcher: Pulling the UK economy out of the crapper and helping defeat the Soviet Union in the Cold War.
“successful major program promulgated by a female.”
I nominate “spring cleaning”.
Sorry if the following offends: Please name one invention, technology or successful major program promulgated by a female. Ill wait.
Ada Lovelace - The first algorithm for a machine, programming.
Grace Hooper - Helped develop COBOL, Compilers, Debugging, Misc Computing stuff.
How about radioactivity, a term she coined, and the discovery of polonium and radium by Marie Curie and broadband by Heddy Lamar. Oops, thats’s three.
Sticky notes
Some interesting items on this list.
The circular saw, who’da thunk?
“Sorry if the following offends: Please name one invention, technology or successful major program promulgated by a female. Ill wait.”
Recently discovered ancient relics provide evidence that nagging may have been invented by a woman.
How about a female who's also a world-famous actress? Hedy Lamarr. Proximity fuze and spread-spectrum communications work. Brilliant woman. Too bad her work was so classified she didn't get credit until two decades later.
Oh oh, you stepped in that one! :-)
windshield wiper
submarine lamp and telescope
street-cleaning machine
Rotary Engine
Rolling Pin
Medical syringes
Locomotive Chimney
LIquid Paper
Ironing Board
Life Raft
Elevated Railway
Fire Escape
Automotive muffler
Hot water heater
disposable diapers
circular saw
Chocolate chip cookies
Well, the x-ray? Madame Curie? But that’s the only one I can think of at the top of my head. Of course, women weren’t often in a position to make those discoveries.
But I also believe that there are differences in male and female brains; perhaps men’s brains are more suited to that type of innovation, etc.
Plus, socially, women are (on some level, at least), looking for a suitable mate/father of their children, during the prime years, whereas men are more focused on their careers or even, perhaps, their hobbies, which could lead to innovation (I’m thinking of Bill Gates, etc.).
I’m just rambling. Your question is a thoughtful one, which likely has many answers or explanations.
Stephanie Kwolek invented Kevlar.
Please name one invention, technology or successful major program promulgated by a female. Ill wait.
First one that comes to mind was twice a Nobel Prize winner. It was Madame Marie Curie, who discovered radium and polonium, and did further research on radioactivity.
Madame Curie is the ONLY one that comes to mind. Amelia Earhardt if you like a courageous failure.
See RADM Grace Hopper, a pioneer in computers.