The force runs weak in dim-bulb-crat ignorant sl*ts.
Callous, Strangled By Extremism, Out Of Control
Is she talking about the DNC? The ‘God Damn America’ party??
"Is freedom anything else than the right to live as we wish?
Nothing else."~Epictetus
God bless this site, this Free Republic.
Please click the pic
When haven’t the democrats been dirty in their campaigning?
These people are out of control, Schultz charged.
Finish the sentence Debbie. ...And we mean to control them.”
Nothing more ironic than a democrat saying the GOP is extreme.
Now which Polyamorous gay partner’s house did I leave my tampon earrings at?
Democrats had the chance to do amnesty in 2009-2010, when they held complete power. But they chose not to.
Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.
It’s a sign of how far we have sunk that Dems, who have given us gay marriage and obamacare, get way with accusing establishment Republicans of extremism.
Well, so much for putting forth a vision of unity and a shared purpose of the preservation of the Republic.,
Instead we get blasted by hyperbole and hypocrisy hour after hour.. then the dem ads come on.. :-}
This sickening divisive beyotch is signaling desperation
The “Hope and Unity” Party is a fraud. Another case in point.
Monday morning panty-wad hissy
The Democrats can’t run on an improving economy - no matter how aggressively they fudge the numbers people know what’s happening to their own wallets. They sure can’t run on their successful foreign policies.
All they have left is the hope that hysterical charges of racism will fire up enough of their uniformed urban base to keep some of them in power.
Expect this to reach new heights of absurdity, with any and all conservatives accused of being lynching, church burning, death camp operating Nazi Klansmen.
Crikey. Mrs DW Shultz thinks Republicans are “extremists”.
Kettle, black, anyone? I mean, just look at her history. (not to mention that whole ‘electrocuted’ hair look...)
So now it is in vogue not to address a female as ‘chairwoman’? Just ‘chair’?
This was started by Fed Chair(woman) Janet Yellen as I recollect. Gender neutrality does not somehow elevate your stature, Debbie. It's your own performance, or lack thereof.
Hey Debbie, Carrot Top called, he wants his face back.
By election day they'll be a sick cartoon.
Somebody’s gotta carry the crazy ball when Nuty Nan retires.