The function of marriage in civilized realms for thousands of years has been to sanctify family formation, provided by procreation. In most lands, marriage must be "consummated" by a procreational act between the participants--that is an act that can lead to procreation, whether or not it does. Where there is no consummation, the marriage has been subject to annulment.
People of the same-sex, simply do not have the physical equipment to consummate a marriage.
Granted, we live in bizarre times. Just walk down any city street, in a business district, and count the number of people you pass, walking around in a "bubble," with some sort of electronic screen in their hand, either controlling their attention via their eyes or ears, and unaware of any reality, but that electronic focus. Look at how many millions of supposedly sentient beings voted for a President, with no real grounding in American life or culture--as though that did not even matter!
Let me suggest that those "Republican lobbyists," find other work. They serve no purpose but to make Republicans in general look like idiots. While I certainly do not slavishly vote the party, I would like to still feel somewhat respectable, in claiming a Republican ballot in the next Primary. But this sort of silliness makes one question that choice.
William Flax
In the last few elections, fewer than a million people voted for a candidate who did not fit that description.