Actually I may have mentioned that. Back in the day, late 60s and early seventies we played around with a copper rod cored penetrator for heavy armor.
I think the rod core he was referring to and I did not quite understand, was a bunch of rods bundled together. I never saw or had any experience with that. Most of our stuff was Nuke tipped far as the missiles. I was in a armored division.
That was dropped and replaced with depleted uranium later on, did the same thing and was less technical.
Frankly I don’t even know if they still use them or if the Nanny’s took them (our toys) away from Frankly speaking, those depleted uranium rounds can really do a number on a shown in desert storm.
Not familiar with the rod construction at all. Never saw one so I misunderstood what he was talking about.
What you’re talking about is called an Armor Piercing, Discarding Sabot, Fin Stabilized projectile. It’s not a rod but a finned and pointed dart.