Did anyone else on the same plane eventually travel to the USA?????
In 21 days this could be a $hit$torm
Ping to the prep king!
Yes...that’s a concern...
But consider any of them travelling to Mexico, Caribbean, and parts south of the border to the vacation zones...
Not the same plane but the other American doctor (of Ft. Worth, TX) who has come down with it was supposed to fly back to the US however his wife and kids did fly back like Friday. They were to attend a wedding in Indiana and meet a newborn nephew. The wife is a nurse and delivered meals to hospital patients. I guess we’ll know in 21 days if she and the kids are patients zero, one and two. Hopefully, they have sense enough not to fly around the US but if they’re libs, then we’re all doomed.
If the guy developed symptoms ON the plane, he was at his peak contagious period. It's ALWAYS the day before and the day you start showing symptoms. With any virus.
That's how they spread because if you were contagious after you showed symptoms, you could just quarantine the individual and and stop the virus in it's tracks.