Racial quotas are a perfect example of politics concealing reality. We have now had extensive experience with “minority” governance all over the world and as expected such governance has been a disaster.
Years ago when I was a jet instructor pilot in the USAF, we had a large contingent of African Americans enter flight training during the first period of “quotas” - don’t fool yourselves, quotas were very much there.
Approximately three quarters into the training year, a couple of the AAs approached me with a complaint...which was that they perceived a number of their classmates were obviously not qualified for this type of duty, but they were not failing, as we did to the Caucasians. They felt that this reflected badly on them, since poor performance when flying a supersonic machine is quite a bit more obvious than it is when one can be a politician.
I replied to them that they were indeed correct, but not to worry. We instructors knew the good ones of all flavors...and those good ones would be the ones that got the planes of their choice. And the two that approached me were indeed some of the good ones.
Conclusion: Ability is not a function of race, but quotas are a function of idiots.
Bon appetit!
The answer to this depends on philosophic ideas that determine people's conception of the position of the human individual in relation to the world in which he lives.So long as blacks are viewed by libtards as fundamentally helpless, with his destiny controlled by forces beyond his power to change, it will be next to impossible to eliminate the welfare state.Libtards will cling to it out of a sense of helplessness.
Elimination of the welfare state and the establishment of limited government presupposes a view of blacks as self-responsible causal agents, capable of securing their own well being by means of reason and intelligent rational action.
About a month later I go a call from the supervisor who said that the job was again open, and she wondered if I was still looking for work.
I said I was and she said she wanted to talk to me. I asked if I had the job.
She said that I would have to interview again.
I stated they had already interview me and said that I was very well qualified. And, I stated that I wasn't going to be their token 'white guy' just so they could say the interview process was fair, etc.
I told her that she could take her job and shove it.
I moved on and did quite well elsewhere.
The likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, the Congressional Black Caucus, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the United Negro College Fund clearly think not. These people seem absolutely CONVINCED that 'black people' can 'succeed' if and only if they are given special set asides in business and wads of other peoples' money (taken at gunpoint).
If I were black I would be angry with affirmative action because in almost any job, my peers would assume that I got a free ride or a leg up on everyone else rather than my own hard work and merit.
How sad that a whole population of people has accepted the liberal assumption that they are too stupid or incapable of doing anything without constant assistance from democrat plantation masters and government welfare.
One of the sad facts in higher education is that minority education is largely directed by blacks with an affirmative action doctorate in education. These are some of the most incompetent and ignorant people on Earth; yet, white college administrators hang on to their every word. I am really looking forward to an early retirement. If America is counting on education to save, or maintain it as a great nation, it should just forget about it.
I should add that I know black professors in many fields other than education and they are quite capable and competent. Unfortunately, they are not anymore listened to than a white professor when it comes to education policy. Policy is directed by the administrators, and they all tend to have that D.Ed. or E.Ed. after their name.
The other problem with 'racial preferences' is top schools - the Ivies - get the very brightest blacks... more than their share.
Each school down the list takes blacks who are somewhat less competitive than the white students. This creates a situation where blacks are usually competing with whites with higher SAT scores - a situation demoralizing and unfair. Read David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Gladwell to get the whole picture...
Professor Hansen writes: Professors, instead of just awarding the grade that each student earns, would apparently have to adjust them so that academically weaker, underrepresented racial/ethnic students perform at the same level and receive the same grades as academically stronger students.
“Is it within the capacity of black Americans to make it in this society without the special favors variously called racial preferences, quotas, affirmative action and race-sensitive policies?”
It’s frustrating that we even have to ask such a question. Of course, it’s within the capacity of black PEOPLE to do as well as anyone else. But the current so-called black CULTURE discourages it.
Before the end of segregation, many cities had thriving black societies, proof positive that they could do it. The whiners who say it can’t be done without special favors really need to see things like the documentary on the Pittsburgh Hill District.
“If the civil rights establishment and the progressives have their way, blacks will have to rely on special privileges in perpetuity.”
No kidding!
It’ll never end.
Jesse Lee Peterson, who’s black and works, I think, to uplift black men, used to say that if black people ran things, it’d take 20 years for them to destroy America. But he’s revised that and now thinks they could do it only 10 years.
...pretty sad, huh?!
In any event, what about an Obama, a black child of privilege his entire life, should give anyone hope that people like him can keep America going?
Black football players don’t get special allowances for poor performance. They have to work as hard as the other players, because winning is the standard teams work for. Affirmative Action and charity work exactly opposite as to how professional sports teams work, and they get opposite types of results, with some exceptions.
I read the headline as flavors. Didn’t make sense. Read it as flavors again. Rinse, repeat, repeat... Finally read the article. Oh, favors. That makes more sense. Well, no, not more sense...
In the same manner that abortion clinics help perpetuate rape, statuatory rape, and incest; affirmative action perpetuates a minority underclass.
Bump for the incomparable and outstanding Dr. Walter E. Williams.
Amen, Dr. Williams.
They need it if they want to be kept on the plantation