Maybe because he doesn’t hide behind a lying liar Press Secretary and act like he just heard about whatever from the nightly news like everyone else did. The other is that Putin has a pair of b@lls.
Ah tyranny.
Mayber the Russians would like a Stalin.
No question about it, Putin is a commie thug. No question about it, Obama is a commie thug. The difference; generally, the Russians like and admire Putin.
Doesn’t really sound like he was a pariah or outcast at that recent BRICS conference where they set up their own money system...
I predict that America, too, will elect a "strongman" in the upcoming 2016 or next (2020) elections, begging him to deal with the problems the nation has. And deal with them he will-- by sharply curtailing Americans' freedom, and likely inciting a civil war, that will probably result in the breakoff of several present-day states into a separate country.
Okay, Putin has included a province populated by ethnic Russians. Putin is likely to support some pro-Russian separatists, who oppose Ukrainisation. Someone has probably shot down a plane with foreign civilians and the US and the EU are blaming Putin due to speculations and unreleased evidence in hands of the USA (while Americans are enemies to the Russian people as everybody knows). It’s very strange Russians appear to support Putin, isn’t it?