And the home’s owner is happy because the stupid government will pay him thousands per month per head for housing.
Please don’t ever tell me that the basic source for Progressive governance is the ability to print money and debt at will (ie. a fiat currency).
Yes... facilitated by a bunch of greedy, unprincipled whores who only care about getting their hands on freebies and money from the Fed.
I want to throw up
Newt, demonized for talking about Orphanages, and now Democrats actually run Orphanages....
wait until this idiot experiences the rich culture of feral 3rd world kids who have been dumped by or ran away from their parents
anyone who thinks detention camps for feral 3rd world non English speaking kids is culture enriching deserves to bankrupt their local school district trying to provide special education and other services to these transplanted government wards- bringing the hoods to da hood
and the cops for sorting out the almost inevitable gang recruitment to replace families for these kids
Wait until the start of the school year when illegal immigrant kids not speaking a word of English, illiterate in their own language and having communicable diseases show up in local schools across the country.
They are not "undocumented children" - they are ILLEGAL ALIENS!
26 Year Veteran Within Border Patrol (NOW THIS IS SCARY)
Why just the city of Rochester? There’s got to be much more room available in Pittsford, Perinton, Penfield. In fact, barry’s probably about to do one of those royal proclamations to annex oak hill country club to set up a tent city.
Ain’t life just grand with a feckless community organizer as leader of the free world?