‘Why is the news media keep reporting it this way, ignoring the FACT that emails are NOT stored on people’s personal computers but on servers which are also backed up.”
Excellent point and beats the poop out of me. Of course, IRS emails may only be stored on the hard drives, they are insular, but your point is VERY well taken.
The media thinks by reporting the facts prematurely they kill the story ignoring the facts that impeding the facts pisses us off!
I once told my (then) 9 or 10 yr old son to pick up your room ...
He DID ...
and put it all under the bed and in the closet
“IRS emails may only be stored on the hard drives”
Be serious!
Even before the 9-11 attacks, emails of all companies and government are backed up. This increased significantly to the point of having them backed up in multiple geographically different locations as well — and especially for major government organizations, such as the IRS!
Gentlemen, this IRS offensive Lerner defense is targeted not toward us, who know something; it's targeted to those over there, toward the great mind-washed, who know nothing!
The emails weren’t JUST on Lois Lerner’s damn harddrive.
They were also on the harddrives of everyone in the email chain who sent or received a message in the TWO-WAY conversation.
This “dog ate my homework” sh!t won’t fly.