Oh, and my apologies if she is only “Hispanic” rather than Mexican. For the comparison to Jeb Bush that doesn’t change anything.
This concerns your comment on the Governors wife. I have been to an excellent restaurant named “Toninos”. My wife and I had an excellent pasta dish there, but no tortillas. Not every name that ends in “o” is Hispanic.
Whom do you support, the overlooked question in your answer?
I went to every article you cited. Even the left leaning ones, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Politico, and (my God!) the Washington Post, admit that he never claimed he was for Illegal immigration. The border must be secured. You do not know very much about Scott Walker. I have followed him since he became the executive of Milwaukee County. He believes and says what he means. If he says he would close the border first, that is what he will do. You can doubt him if you want, but I would check with the teachers union in Wisconsin first. Ask them for some more talking points if you want.