BS Holder, you are worried about something else. It’s something personal and that effect you directly that is keeping you awake at night. It is your criminal actions and support that one day may catch up to you is what keeps you awake.
It’s too bad that one of obamas sons just doesn’t take him out. Then, he would sleep forever.
Holder SHOULD be concerned. No doubt the Obammunists are scared of pushing their fascism so far that the population actually revolts.
On the other hand, I think they have nothing to fear for quite a while. Our clueless citizenry will continue to vote for leftists (be it GOP leftists or Democrat communists) until our country implodes, most likely occuring when unchecked money-printing finally renders our currency worthless.
Until then, the merry-go-round will continue to spin, and our fat, ignorant, and stoned citizens will guzzle, gobble, tweet, twitter, facebook, instant-message, and surf the web for the latest cat videos until the day the ATM machines no longer work. And at that point, no amount of fascist control by the government can touch the chaos.
Get whitey Holder is desperate to find the white tea partier with a gun.
Heck, to him those things are "job security."
Never mind that the Russians were screaming at us to look at the Chechens. Who cares? No skin off Holder's nose.
However, to Holder, the NSA, and everyone else who relies on a government check - THESE are real threat:
People demanding lower taxes.
Now those people threaten the "liberal way of life"!