Since I learned this week on FR from fellow freepers that Abortion is a lesser evil, Amnesty sites are acceptable sources for border patrol/illegal stats and the Reagan GOP was far mot liberal than the stalwart Rock Ribbed VRWC card carrying GOP of today, my life is much better.
LOL! You’re on a roll, now!
Sounds like you’ve been to a GOPeFR reeducation camp. Was the food at least good? :)
I’ve come to the realization that it’s our principles that are holding us back, Norm.
Just imagine how much easier our lives would be, and how much happier we’d be with the state of the country and its leadership, if we just let go of all that old fashioned stuff about individual liberty, God-given rights, government serving the people, and low taxation/regulation, capitalism, etc.
If we could just set aside our old notions of personal freedom and greatness of country, we could hold hands in the sun with all the liberals, LGBT queers, Commies, leftists, Low Infos, illegals, greenies, crony capitalists, race pimps, social justice warriors, federal bureaucrats, Travons, moderates, and GOP sell-outs, and sing Kumbayah like we mean it!
What a grand thing it would be -— but for our paleolithic principles - sigh...