The way he won was ugly, but the only way to challenge it is not by electing the Dem but by pursuing investigations of things that were clearly illegal (the mysterious unattributed flyers distributed in black districts, for example) and by McDaniel using his power as a state senator to try to tighten up or even enforce elections law.
Also, I gather from posters here that Cochran is widely expected to retire after a year or two, meaning that someone else will be appointed to fill his seat. What about trying to make sure that someone is good? Or at least trying to build up broader support for a non-establishment candidate in the next few years so that there is such a huge majority of support that the GOP-e and the Dems really can’t overcome it?
Voting Dem excludes you from the process and lets the GOP establishment win - in addition to prolonging the disastrous effect a Dem Senate is having on the country.
People are coming close to saying a pox on both their houses.
Trouble is, the country cannot live on pox.
It can live on God, if it is serious enough to be genuine about it.
I was initially in agreement that Conservatives might need to, yet again, hold our noses and pull the lever.
However, I am slowly coming to believe that this one may be where we have to draw the line with the establishment Republicans. Their hatred of us is THAT blatant.
There’s a meme with a picture of Obama and a caption “What are you going to do about it? There should be one with Karl Rove’s pic and the exact same caption.