Thad Cochran (Incumbent)
Chris McDaniel
89% in
holmes is only one not yet reporting - I don’t have prior results anyone else can pull them up quickly?
Delay ...stare down time.
Republicans have asked conservatives for years to hold their nose and vote for the party nominee. Over and over again, we were told that just because our guy didn’t win, we should keep fighting and keep voting GOP.
No more. If Cochran wins this race because the Republicans went out and got liberals to vote for their guy, then it is the final straw.
Since we as conservatives have to hold our nose anyway, it’s time for us to hold our nose and vote for the Democrat in certain races. My intent with this message is to bring down the establishment members of the Republican party that asks for sacrifice but repays with betrayal.
If Cochran wins tonight, let it be a pyrrhic victory. Let the conservatives of Mississippi vote against him in the general election.
And let it not stop there. The best thing for America is a party that promotes and endorses conservative issues and positions. We will never have that with the current Republican leadership.
We need to send a clear, strong, and back-breaking message to McConnell that he has failed. We need to send the message to the Republican Senatorial Committee that they have failed. And we need to send the message to the Republican National Committee that they have failed.
We need Harry Reid to stay Senate majority leader as a punishment for those who felt it was “their turn”. We need to remove some of the old guard Senators and replace them with Democrats to remind them that they serve at our leisure.
Is this a bitter pill to swallow? Yes. But it MUST be done. The camel’s back has broken and the Republican party must reform or die. There is no other option.