Leftists hate preppers for the same reason that people hated Noah.
By prepping, you’re accusing them.
By prepping, you’re telling liberals that their policies are leading to destruction.
Liberals invest their righteousness in the policies they advocate, and by prepping, you’re attacking their very sense of righteousness.
Interesting insight.
Helps explain why some people react strongly to an action that on the surface sounds reasonable and prudent.
Heck, even the feds suggest stockpiling food, water and supplies for disasters and emergencies.
But I do know that there seems to be a growing view in liberal circles that prepping is hoarding and a reason to be suspicious of preppers.
[ Leftists hate preppers for the same reason that people hated Noah.
By prepping, youre accusing them.
By prepping, youre telling liberals that their policies are leading to destruction.
Liberals invest their righteousness in the policies they advocate, and by prepping, youre attacking their very sense of righteousness. ]
And recently they have moved from Mocking Preppers to calling for their persecution for “Hoarding” and “Plotting”......