The "bulls-eye rash " occurs only in 50 % of the cases
The bulls-eye is only but one observable indicator
The bacterium is like a spirocete and virus in that it has a flagella (tail-like ) that allows it to travel through the bloodstream
if it rests in a bone joint, it can become arthiritis
If it rests in avital organ , it can manifest itself in many ways .
It has the ability to form an 'over coat' , like a virus , and can lay dormant for 15 - 20 years before it reappears.
Most doctors don't know how to treat it as the symtoms can lay dormant for a number of years, depending on where they lay dormant.
If bitten , contact a doctor who has current information about tick bites; if ignorqant , get another doctor for tratment .
Like ADD (learning disability), there are no specific symptoms - but rather a series of symptoms, some of which may , or may not , occur.
Treatment : Antibiotics for 14 - 21 days
Search online for specifics and recent suggestions and more recent information.
Prevention : Rubber bands on long pant legs , and/or , spray with pyrethrum (natural/ flower insecticides)
Wear 'flea collars' specific to fleas and ticks for annimals, especially where deer are known to inhabit.
Ticks are known to alternately infect rabbits , chipmonks, squirrels, and other 'warm blooded' annimals .
I had three tick bites last summer while visiting friends in New Hampshire, and after doing internet research online, I knew more than my doctor.
This is an unknown issue that many doctors will overlook, or be ignorant about; be assertive as you may know know more than the doctor !
Get antibiotic treatment within the first week and you may overcome this debiliatating disease of Lyme , or several other diseases that the tick is the vector of creating.
This is nothing to screw with ..
You are spot on! Read my Post #23. Lyme Disease is a killer.
I contracted Lyme Disease in 1994, after a tick bite in the woods of the Virginia Mountains (Clark County, 1 hour west of DC). I was treated about two months after the tickbite, when I had an infection I thought was a toothache in my left jaw. The tick bit me on my waistline.
I had a second treatment in September, with higher grade antibiotics. then, on December 21, they found me walking in those woods, incoherent and with low body temp, low pulse rate, and low blood pressure.
It was January 2 before they actually properly diagnosed me, and began a daily intravenous drip of a powerful anti- and it worked well.
I could have died quite easily had I not been observed and help called. God looks after us fools. I did not know I had it for two months, because when I discovered the tick I just pulled it off and flushed it.
BUT, any time you get a tickbite of ANY kind, assume the worst and get checked. In 1994, due to low incidence nationally, my blood sample was sent to Mayo Clinic for diagnosis. Today the testing can be done locally almost anywhere Lyme Disease has been observed.
“I knew more than my doctor.”
It’s easy to know more than most doctors who think the CDC is the last and best word on everything. On Lyme, the CDC knows Jack. Unfortunately, more than 300,000 cases of Lyme are being diagnosed every year(those are just the ones being caught). That’s more than AIDS numbers. But, right now, it’s simply not pc enough to be looked at seriously by the CDC who really want to look good in front of sodomy activists.
I use K9 Advantix for my dogs. Repels and kills ticks up to 4 weeks. Repels and kills mosquitoes for 4 weeks (for those up in Michigan :)). Not safe for cats.
My neighbor died from Lyme at 42. When he contracted it it was unknown in this area so diagnosis was very late. Despite aggressive treatment later, damage before death included both hip replacements, brain damage, heart damage. This is nothing to mess around with.