James (Nick) Rowe taught me all I need to know about the brutality and manipulation of POWs. Its been years since I read his book (5 years to freedom) but if I recall correctly he drew a clear line between those who were broken and those who seemed almost eager to make their lives as a POW easier.
Yes... I know of him. Read his book some years back, still have it.
He’s a personal hero of mine.
They waited years to “get even” with him. The North Vietnamese had their communist allies in the Philippines assassinate him in 1989.
Hate the thought of it...
In modern interrogation classes we were taught to recover after breaking, and to try and force the interrogation back to the beginning, to restart the process, in other words accept being broken but try to recover and reenter the fight rather than thinking that once you are broken that you have crossed a permanent line, that you have now become a willing, submissive participant.
True. A real man, a true hero.