Glad to see her crash and burn but we need to get busy and build a candidate.
I love Ted Cruz but the GOP is fighting him.
Who the hell are we running?
If we don’t get serious she has all kinds of possibility of winning.
And IF we win, we need to get to business and root out ALL the rats.
Start with the Justice dept and then go to the EPA.
Roll em out boys.
The GOP always capitulates.
My opinion is the current crop of Republicans feel the Republican party can never do more than be the weaker second party so they get along to remain a little in power.
Establishment Republicans are against any conservative principled person in national politics getting hold and forcing a swing away from the status quot.
Palin is great, and she gets slandered from all sides as did Cruz get the same treatment.
The answer:
From the grass roots we need to sent people up who have the guts to make major conservative changes to lead a charge back to the success of our original Constitutional Republic.
Don't fund the RNC.
Fund the ones rising that you like.