Posted on 05/28/2014 6:28:32 PM PDT by Kaslin
If conservatives decide to take their marbles and go home rather than fight to the bitter end because they feel their principles have been compromised, they will needlessly subject future generations to untold misery.
What a fail. Electing politicians who help the Left advance their principles will subject future generations to untold misery.
Dr. CArson has become a disappointment. His willingness to compromise makes him part of the problem.
If elected president this joker will work with Democrats and keep Obamacare intact. All for compromise.
Another contender bites the dust.
A few years ago I voted for Corker and Alexander. I compromised and as a result the nation is more in debt because Corker and Alexander voted for more spending, the borders aren’t secure because my senators want amnesty, Obama gets his judges approved by my senators and my senators undermine efforts to derail Obamacare...that’s what happens when Conservatives put Party first. Disaster.
I think your analysis of Reagan is fair and mostly accurate
but I would add another aspect or two. Recall the term
‘Reagan Democrats’? RR could reach out to lifelong Democrats
and attract the support of a number of them. Of course one
might argue that in his time politics was not nearly as
polarized as today. And, it might also be argued that the MSM has been much more favorable to Obama than they were
to Carter which made things a little easier for Reagan
in the late 70s than they would be against Obama in more
recent times. Heck, maybe those Reagan Democrats became
Republicans and were replaced by today’s ‘low information
Democrats’. (Funny thing.....more information sources
today but a less informed electorate?)
Another thing you might recall is that Reagan was an
expert at talking passed the media and directly to the
people. Oh, how the news jerks hated that! We don’t
have any potential candidate that has that kind of
savvy and ability that I can see.
I suppose if this were 1776, this might be something John Dickerson would lecture to John and Samuel Adams about when advocating they yet again prostrate themselves before the Leadership and beg for mercy and remonstrance.
I am resolved that Conservatives in these United States are, and of right ought to be free and independent, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the GOP crown and that all political connection between them and the Republican Party is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.
Both of these criticisms are, at best, misplaced; at worst, they are just disingenuous.
At any rate, they are easily answerable.
Lets begin with the argument against purism. To this line, two replies are in the coming.
As for the second objection against the Tea Partiers rejection of those Republican candidates who eschew his values and convictions,
it can be dispensed with just as effortlessly as the first.
Every election seasonand at no time more so than this past seasonRepublicans pledge to reform Washington, trim down the federal government, and so forth.
Once, however, they get elected and they conduct themselves with none of the confidence and enthusiasm with which they expressed themselves on the campaign trail,
those who placed them in office are treated to one lecture after the other on the need for compromise and patience.
Well, when the Tea Partiers impatience with establishment Republican candidates intimates a Democratic victory,
he can use this same line of reasoning against his Republican critics.
My dislike for the Democratic Party is second to none, he can insist.
But in order to advance in the long run my conservative or Constitutionalist values, it may be necessary to compromise some in the short term.
For example,
What about someone who agrees with you three percent of the time? Is that far superior to voting for someone who disagrees with you 100 percent of the time?
I have a hunch we won’t agree with Ben 90% of the time once we peel back a few layers.
You have overlooked a critical fact - voter demography.
In 1984, a 59%-41% landslide victory for Reagan, he was decisively rejected by non-white voters.
Blacks - 91% for Mondale
Hispanics - 66% for Mondale (that was Reagan's “reward” for supporting the 1986 Amnesty!)
Now, apply those exact numbers to a 2012 imaginary election between Reagan and Obama.
Reagan would have won by 2%.
Reagan - 51%
Obama - 49%
Since 1984, the Democrat Party has imported 20 million new Socialist voters.
Reagan couldn't convert them in 1984.
And we can't convert them in 2014.
Nice post. Good food for thought.
I believe in: getting rid of Obozocare, protecting the babies in utero, reserving "marriage" to one man and one woman per marriage, recognizing the practice of homosexuality as an abomination (see Genesis), supporting 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, freedom of worship, a kickass foreign policy featuring a military second to none and far superior to whatever nation's military comes next, and other priorities like tax cuts and spending cuts as well.
The creature from Michigan by way of Taxachusetts nominated by the Establishment ruling class Wall Street greedheads failed on each and every count as did Obozo. What was that insanity about 90% agreement? Surely you are not suggesting any such level of agreement with John McCain, Mitt Romney, and the trash that are being nominated by the zillions of $$$$ paid out by the Chamber of Crony "Capitalism" to protect Muffie's trust fund and their "right" to screw the rest of the country in the endless quest to squeeze the last nickel out of those peasants lacking their power and influence.
If there is a WE and if WE have a fight to win it is a fight against the globalizing elitist money grubbers whose obscene levels of campaign spending do no more good than their ally George Soros.
Mitch McConnell, Weepy John (hic) Boehner (gives alcoholism a bad name), Sleazy Liar Eric Cantor, LAMAR!!! Alexander, Bob Corker, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Thad Cochran, Light in the Loafers Lindsay Graham, Mark Nancyboy Kirk, and many, many more in each house of Congress are not part of "WE," at least not in my house and not in an increasing number of other actually conservative households. If any of those named here are necessary to "our" efforts, "we" are NOT ready to govern.
The last POTUS election was lost on the day that Mittens Romney obtained a majority of delegates at the 2012 GOP-E convention. Wanna keep on nominating elitist trash and see whether the results are any different? They won't be. You will just elect the Medusa as POTUS.
Eight years of the Medusa and we will be ready to elect the USA's first Demonrat, openly gay, abortion mill owning, gun grabber and then the Churches will be closed and the concentration camps open and flourish.
Terrific strategy you have there!
Nope, use brute force when you have it, works for the democrats.
Great points
The days of voting FOR the morally challenged money-grubbing trash vomited onto our ballots by the Ruling Class GOP-E greedheads is over in the GOP. You keep on nominating them. We'll keep on beating them.
Here's a new and more sensible rule: RULE OR RUIN. To the GOP-E: lead (as actual conservatives), follow (as actual conservatives) or get the hell out of our party.
Thanks for your kind words and your daily contributions to the discussion here at FR. May God bless you and yours!
Just lumping one Reply together since both of you Posted your opinions to me.
Here it is. Any strategy that eliminates the Democrat, ANY Democrat Candidate from serving Elected Office is OK by me.
If refusing to Vote for the Republican (last man standing) in the General Election accomplishes that goal, go for it.
I wish every future Election was a replay of the 2010 General Election.
McCain sucked, Romney sucked and the Bush’s squandered their positions because they were squishy RINO’s.
I doubt I will live long enough to see another Republican, especially a Conservative Republican President Elected.
If abandoning today’s Republican Party in the General Election will somehow accomplish the goal of getting a Conservative Republican Elected, I’m all for it.
That pretty well wraps it up for me. I have been accused by others here of Posting “nonsensical drivel”, which I think is Libspeak for “having a different Opinion”, so I’ll close with something a Retired Navy Chief that used to work for me always said.
“Wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which one fills up first”.
Have fun, I’m done.
If you sir were not a black man you would have no more national political influence than I do.
I don’t like his repeated ise of the term “secular liberals” as our opposition. I don’t care about the religious beliefs of my political allies or opponents. I simply want limited, Constitutional government. I know enough of the “social justice” movement to know better than to think all liberals are godless anyway.
Yes, I believe you are right. He speaks well, just like Obama, but without a teleprompter. He professes to be conservative/Republican but the first thing he wants to do is to make HIS side compromise, first to GOPe, and then when he gets the House and Senate he wants, compromise to the Democrats. Give the Senate filibustering back, give this country Amnesty for illegals, give this pResident everything he wants - all for the sake of unity.
No sale. He’s in the limelight because he’s black. Yeah, that’s about it. There are plenty others out there that have the right mindset. We don’t need to hitch our conservative wagon to him.
Carson’s side is the GOPe.
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