I’m going to have to chuck it in, I’ve tried to bring some background to the table, but it’s hard trying to show what is probably going on when the discussion is dominated by people who have been brought up on Cold War fare...and are still speaking of the Russian people as if the old USSR was hiding under their bed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Ahhhh....the curse of the historian Fred! But some of us use our hard earned knowledge to get rich on the stock market while the rest eat their stale cake from under the bed.
Buy stock in any Russian vodka corporation.....and lots of it.
I have little doubt hat Putin leans heavily on Solzhenitsyn, (who used to live a short hop from my former location in Vermont.). Putin is in it for the long haul.He intends to wash Russia clean of Islam.
How's this for a powerful message which doesn't need any words.