Posted on 04/30/2014 2:10:56 PM PDT by Berlin_Freeper
Saying President Barack Obama hasnt been tough enough on Russia, a high-powered group of Republican senators introduced legislation on Wednesday aimed at imposing new sanctions on Moscow over its actions in Ukraine.
Rather than react to events as they unfold, which has been the policy of this administration, we need to inflict more direct consequences on Russia prior to Vladimir Putin taking additional steps that will be very difficult to undo, said Bob Corker of Tennessee, the top GOP member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who drafted the measure.
The congressional push for a harder line on Russia comes with Obama set to welcome German Chancellor Angela Merkel, one of his key partners on Ukraine, to the White House on Friday.
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What is Alex Jones’ position on this? Isn’t he usually libertarian “don’t get involved”? I stopped having any interest in him years ago when I realized that mixing fact, hyperbole and outright fiction together was his SOP, leavened with an unpleasant and aggressive attitude of harsh arrogance.
I still think he’s probably an agent provocateur, but what do I know.
It’s odd that so many people are now frothing at the mouth warmongers, as though all the embroilments in the last more than 12 years or so have all been jolly roaring successes.
“We have real enemies”.
Yes indeed. And the most dangerous of them work in Mordor on the Potomac and close environs.
What really annoys the hell out of me is the war types forger that Zero determines the ROEs. We lost Iraq and Afghanistan because of the damn ‘don’t kill anybody’ ROEs the dems demand. And we are to believe suddenly we can unleash the full power of the military on Russia?
Not likely.
They can and will make lots of noise and eventually get the war they want. Then be upset when it happens because Russia doesn’t play by Barry’s rules.
If Reagan were in office, I would have a vastly different outlook on this. They saying is ‘you go to war with the army you have’. Well good luck with what we have now. Our soldiers are still great overall. But their leadership is anything but leadership. It has been purged to a PC social experiment now advising RINOs and outright communists to saber rattle against a rabid pit bull.
I think their cunning plan has a small flaw.
Libertarian? Me?
0bastard (meaning his handlers/funders/string pullers etc) is trying to agitate Russia, and along with the EU paid a lot of $, I’ve read a number of articles putting the figure at $5 billion, to Ukraine, at least some of which wound up paying protestors to protest, and never said a word condemning the violence by the Pravi Sektor. Obastard (his handlers etc) want to provoke Russia into violence. It’s obvious. Just like they tried to provoke US citizens into violence with flash mobs, Occupukes and several other gambits that have not worked.
0bastard and his handlers have taken a side. That alone, what to speak of pouring money, and sanctions against Russia, means being a party to any violence that occurs.
I cannot disagree with anything you said. And a president who was a real president, would not have gotten this far into it in the first place.
Another thought is that since 0bastard hates the US military and his task is to weaken and otherwise devastate the US, a war would do a bang up job of weakening and destroying us.
And we do what exactly? Barry already employed stern letters and harsh language. He’s out of options.
So what do we do? More impotent threats? More sanctions with nothing to back them up? Because if Barry sends the boys he also ties their hands. You know it, I know it. Most of America knows it and ALL of Russia knows it.
So are we better to get involved in another half assed fiasco or stay the hell out until we are directly threatened?
Simple and basic question that the warhawks should be asking because our military will not be ALLOWED to fight.
Sure. Fits his agenda, fits the Agenda 21 blueprint for depopulation. But Dear God that’s crazy!...sure. So was everything else these fools did to date. but they did them.
I feel like Randy Quaid in Independence day with the UFOs. Because if I survive what’s coming I’m finding a functional radio station and screaming “WE TOLD YOU!!!”
Small consolation but you take what you can get in an apocalypse I guess.
On your mention of Agenda 21, our own state and local governments are pushing that policy—even Republican majority local governments like mine. They’re lefties. They feel that their fake environmentalism and animal worship fronts for robbing others of their property rights keeps their expensive emergency-rescue regime, increasing fees (e.g., “impact fees”) and “property values” going. In fact, they’re trying to shrink the economy to fit only a few like themselves while saturating the media with their crazy conspiracy tales (blaming better men) and end-of-the-world stories (distraction propaganda, information overload).
We’re all going to die, and we don’t have much time to do what is really important (not what we see in politics or business now).
Spoiled rotten. My Baby Boomer generation is spoiled rotten. Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and fathers were right, but I didn’t really learn that well enough, until I paid a little of the debt at Ft. Leonard Wood and elsewhere during my thirties (late). Now, I’m one of the few who are not deluded by drugs and associated commie/fascist politics. So yeah, I have no political bandwagon with which to make political noise.
Americans and Russians have a long history of sending arms against each other.
Regardless of Obama (who is only flesh and blood, i.e. not bigger than America) and considering Putin’s barbaric actions and very poor attitude - there is never a good time to go spineless, not now not ever.
Thank you for your long service to The United States of America, familyop!
O say can you see by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave?
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
“Not my problem.”
Correct. Just your error.
“Yes indeed. And the most dangerous of them work in Mordor on the Potomac and close environs.”
So, you’re not up for multi-tasking. Ok, you focus on what you can keep going at the same time.
“What really annoys the hell out of me is the war types forger that Zero determines the ROEs.”
And again, we are back to war, the boots on the ground strawman that you’ve been dispelled of numerous times.
Nobody is advocating a war in Ukraine.
Please, try to keep up.
That's the reason WW1 was fought. There's nothing mysterious about it. Germany wanted a short, victorious war and - therefore - a pretext for war. That's why they seized upon an Archduke's assassination to give Serbia an impossible ultimatum. But anything would have done.
If Palin had been elected as VP we would have had Drill baby Drill for the last six years.
This would have led to many more LNG export licenses and pipeline permits - and a massive increase in NG production from fracking.
Russia - like other extraction economies worldwide that all-too-easily become exporters of political or religious pathologies - would have faced US competition and would have had to confront its internal demons.
But elections have consequences. Specifically: the people who voted for Obama - or refused to vote for McCain - they did this. This is the world that they have made.
When America armed the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan with anti-helicopter missiles the Russian invasion of Afghanistan came to a bloody, grinding halt. There were not a lot of American casualties, if any.
Even Obama’s gay ROE couldn’t affect the lives of properly armed Ukrainian soldiers.
More Ukrainians with tank- and helicopter- killing arms would increase the pain and risk of a Russian takeover of Western Ukraine. If Ukraine gets more man-portable heavy weapons, the chance for peace goes UP, not down.
Its not as elegant a solution as competing with GAZPROM - but that ship sailed when Palin wasn’t elected.
And arming Ukraine wouldn’t even cost that much - compared with current levels of Federal waste. Hell, how many billion rounds of ammo did US forces literally throw away the other day? Why not sell them to Ukraine?
That is correct. Reagan did it of course.
Now some don't even want us to send sandwiches to a sovereign country because we might upset the Russians.
That's appeasement in my book.
Hey I guess one option is to not send anything to anybody since we're so damn broke from spending money (we shouldn't be spending) in this country. But in my view that makes the world and ultimately our country a more dangerous place.
Peace through strength.
Ukrainians have the right to defend their own country. They also have the right to ASK others for help.
Ukraine is NOT a threat to Russia.
Russia needs to stay the hell out.
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