How does it help the environment to have the oil transported in a train rather than a pipeline?
Leave it to Rooters to put lipstick on the pig.
The well-being of the American people be damned as long as Preezy Pajama Boy's political base is boosted.
If I were Harper I would hold a press conference and say we are no longer seeking to send our oil to America. China has shown an actual interest in this oil unlike America.
At What Point Does His Behavior Warrant The Charge Of TREASON??????????????????????
They vote the dem party line anyway so what is there to lose here. 11% pick up, I doubt it.
I’m a cynic. Could there be a deal to approve the pipeline and “reform” (ie: cave) on immigration in the lame duck session?
Why has it taken five years to study this damn project?
We won World War II in less time than it’s taking Obama to allegedly study this project, in order to decide whether to go ahead with it.
I’m all for study of proposals before they go forward, but, why so many delays? We’ve built numerous pipelines in the past. We know the environmental impacts. We know how to build them. We know there are trade-offs and political issues with the enviro-extremists. I think Obama and his boys have all the information they need to make a damn decision.
Obama doesn’t seem eager to make executive decisions, unless such decisions are appeasing the liberals in some way.
Screw the nation, as long as Obama’ political base is motivated!