Cruz, Palin, and Sessions are my top candidates.
Those with flaws that are acceptable are: Paul, Perry, Rubio,
Those that I’d rather not but probably will in trying to deny Hillary Clinton: Scott, Pence, Kasich, Gingrich, Huckabee, Bush.
It is clear to me that the only true conservatives (social, fiscal, and defense) up there are Cruz, Palin, Perry
If any up there turn out to be other than pro-life/pro-2nd amendment, then that’s a deal killer and their name goes off the list.
If one of these is to be the President that leads us out of the fascist wilderness, they must speak out on the Battle of Bunkerville. Rand Paul made some timid comments against tyranny.
From the best the Republicans have to offer, crickets. I predict all three will eventually come down on the side of tyranny. We have no friends in the Give Obama Power party.