But, as usual, we have to carry the load, and the bill, because Europe spends on welfare, instead of defending itself.
As usual you have no idea what you are talking about. American troops are the trip wire that keeps a cold war from turning hot. The tin pot czar isn't goint to mess with the US Army. As we have seen recently Putin prefers to beat up the little sisters of the poor.
And it would probably save money deploying NATO troops in Poland. The US could just redploy a battalion of 173rd from Italy and other troops from Germany to Poland. Much cheaper to base them in Poland.
You completely miss my point, and make my point, at the same time.
Yet again, WE have to supply the troops, and the treasure, because no one is afraid of the other paper tigers in NATO.
Why do WE have to carry the burden, instead of Italy? Or Oil money-rich Norway?
Isn’t long past time they start carrying the burden for Europe’s defense?
That's a little unfair. The whole point of war is to gain, at an acceptable cost, what isn't attainable via diplomatic means. That usually means fighting only countries that aren't in a position to offer much resistance. It's not just Russians - it's everybody. It's part of the reason we rear domesticated animals instead of fierce predators for their meat - a superior benefit to danger ratio.
He is putting U.S. troops there precisely to be a tripwire to get this country in a conflict. The more Americans he can kill the happier he is.
Start the fight, then surrender. That is Zero’s ploy.
The EU has over three times the population of Russia and far more money that could be spent on defense than Russia does.
Why are we subsidizing these fine folks?
Putin is somewhere laughing his a** off after this announcement