Technical question:
In such an investigation, how is it possible to be sure that no emails are overlooked?
Does the email server provide a catalog of all emails in order to check for gaps?
Freek Squad?
> Technical question:
In such an investigation, how is it possible to be sure that no emails are overlooked?
Does the email server provide a catalog of all emails in order to check for gaps?
Freek Squad?
Indufficient information aviailable to make an intelligent statement that has any real meaning. Emails are probbly on any computer she had access to, the email server, and the other computers she sentbthem to. Thats - real general statement but probably correct.
The email servers are supposed to be archived along with an audit trail that shows what changes were made, when, and by whom. That's pretty much standard practice across the board. The claim that it would take years to revoker the emails is laughable - it's not an instant process, but if took more than 2 weeks, they're intentionally dragging their feet.