Birds are more monogamous and more family-oriented than many humans are. I always enjoyed seeing the geese and ducks return to my ponds on the Farm, every spring. The thousands of nesting-bird pairs in the tree-growing fields were amazing.
When I found an active nest, I’d tag the tree with my name *sold* and the customers would just have to wait until the nesting was completed, young ones flew away and the tree(s) became available again. Or choose another ‘empty’, available tree. Most people understood after seeing the babies in the nest. The few who didn’t got their walking papers from me.
I have had the same Menage a trois of Mallard ducks for the past at LEAST 10 years.......2 males and a female......Adorable!! They tend to nest under my lilac bushes...The bluebirds just tickle me...they are so darling! (I am a bird nerd) LOL