Marsha Blackburn says Republicans are actually for equal pay for women. But yet, it was blocked in the Senate by Republicans What is going on here?
Odd, last I heard, the Democrats controlled the Senate.
Or did I miss something?
Marxist never attack fellow Marxists.
Pray America wakes up
Who watches the doormat schieffer?
Laz, say it ain’t so.
The word is out on Freepmail that you’d hit on Lois Lerner.
What’s next? Sebilius?
Save yourself, man!
bookmark for later i have to go
They don’t even try to hide their bias any more.
I bet Cummings wanted to screen the questions prior to interview.
This is not the scandal you’re looking for.
You can go about your business..
Move along...
The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.
Bob needs to check into the “Broken Down Old Liberals” Retirement Home.
Cummings probably only agreed to the interview on the condition that Schieffer NOT ask those questions.
Schieffer is an old-line Fort Worth Democrat a la Jim Wright, but Fort Worth is the only city proper in TX that remains Repoublican despite the “popular” Wendy Davis.
The Schieffmeister is just doing his job, i.e., preserving the ignorance of the Obama electorate.
Unbelievable that he would not bring up the allegations the degenerate crook Cummings conspired with Lerner against True the Vote.
He's either SENILE and doesn't even know about it, or he is part of the conspiracy.
I thought the point of having the marxist simpleton on in the first place was to discuss this at least in part.
Cummings is a POS supremeo
It should be “Democrat Party activist Bob Schieffer, appearing on ‘Face the Nation’...”. Of course, if he had asked Cummings about Lois Lerner, he would have been accused of being a racist, and ol’ Bob would never risk that.
Journalistic fraud.
I saw it - it was ‘ guilty white liberal begging to kiss black butt’. Easily the most disgusting thing I’ve seen this year. It degrades both men.
Bob Schieffer should go to a rest home with Harry Reid.
Maryland “Freak State” PING!