“...arguing with a couple of FRs No matter what/Lesser evil crowd...”
I’m not sure what you are referring to, but...
I may very well be one of those “lesser evil” people you refer to.
If my choices are between a “bad” candidate and a “sort-of-bad” candidate,
then I will crawl over broken glass to vote for the “sort-of-bad” candidate.
If you are one of those:
“I’ll-just-stay-at-home”; or
“I’ll-just-leave-the-ballot-blank”; or
“I’ll-just-write-in-my-favorite”, or
type of people, then you are ceding your voice and
you are ceding your decision to someone else,
and you are removing yourself from the debate.
The “you ain’t conservative enough to deserve my vote”
train of thought is the only think that jimrob
(courtesy ping)
and I have disagreed on over the years.
My vote is my voice, and I refuse to be silenced.
If you insist on voting for lesser evil RINOS, then do not go out in public and complain when they let Lois, Eric and elija slide.
It’s not “you ain’t conservative enough for me.” In my case it’s if a candidate is not pro-life, pro-family, pro-gun, pro-borders, pro-Constitution, pro-America, etc, he ain’t conservative at all. In fact, he’s part of the enemy. I’m definitely opposed to any such candidate in the primaries.
And my vote in nation-wide or even state-wide general elections in the People’s Republic of California doesn’t even count. Even so, I’d have a real problem urging others to support known abortionists or homosexualists or gun-grabbers or isolationists or amnesty pimps (though, regrettably, I have done so in the past if the opponent is an out and out Marxist/fascist like Obama).
I have seen the Jellyfish and you are it.
>> Ill-just-vote-for-some-obscure-third-party type of people, then you are ceding your voice and you are ceding your decision to someone else, and you are removing yourself from the debate.
Absolute claptrap sold by the Uniparty.