Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with this guy.
Well, they did attack us for a reason. But this is just ridiculous.
In some ways he is right for the wrong or shall I say WONG reasons.
There is a lot of good evidence that the US (FDR Administration) put trade sanctions on Japan in order to HELP the Communists in Mainland China...
That was exactly their justification.
Is this guy an idiot-—or what?
I’m disappointed.
Relax, people. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
The response to Rand Paul hides one major issue. The reason the Japanese planned on attacking Southeast Asia was to get at the Dutch oil fields in Indonesia to replace the oil they were no longer receiving from the US. FDR embargo and the ultimatum which came with it threatened to halt Japan’s war effort in China. Some say FDRs ultimatum was analogous to the Austria-Hungary’s ultimatum to Serbia: to stay a sovereign nation the only response was war.
Reminds me of that scam post here with the title claiming that the McDonalds shut down because of striking workers. Many fell for that too.
Rand you’re done. Apparently you wouldn’t recognize the “Asian Co-prosperity Sphere” if it bit you.
Japan and Germany did not attack the Allies because of the Allies' trade policies.
They attacked because they saw the chance to seize land and assets, and they used trade policies or anything else as an excuse to justify their actions.
Rand Paul apparently knows nothing about history or the realities of human nature.
As a result he blindly and unthinkingly swallows the propaganda of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany.
These are comments of an amateur.
Although much more coherent and seemingly down to earth than his dad, these are looney-tune ideas. He either stops saying this stuff now and focuses on today's REAL issue and threat to all of us (our OWN government beast) or say goodbye to Rand.
Palin, where are you?
Keep in mind that there were many people who hated FDR a lot more than they hated the Nazis or the Japanese. What irks me is that many of them end up becoming indifferent to their own country out of anger and frustration, no longer patriots; it's similar, I think, to those who are so mad at Obama that they excuse Putin for his crimes.
Yep, Paul is a bit off with these comments. Does that disqualify him on the other issues of the day? No, just makes me look skeptically at some of his foreign policy views. Still, rather curious that this has come up now along with some very interesting stories about how Jeb Bush is the man for 2016. If you ask me, the mountain that will be made out of the mole hill that are these comments from Mr. Paul are simply part of the GOP-e’s “destroy the latest perceived conservative frontrunner” machine kicking into gear early.
I for one decline to roll with it and post such things as “Rand is done” or “What an idiot” etc. Nope, I view any of these stories about conservative leaning candidates through the lens of not trusting the messengers and through looking for a possible hidden agenda.
I’ve been hesitate to endorse Rand Paul waiting to see if he was his father in disguise. Looks like it was a prudent move.
Are there not enough current issues that Rand Paul can make himself a fool over? Why pick an event that happened 72 years ago?
He is not Presidential material.