Partly correct-urban areas are even now working on ways to implement “regionalism” in which suburban areas must pay into a general pot which is then divided “evenly”, to the districts, including the majority-minority which have hardly contributed one red cent to it. I believe that Minneapolis is one of the testing grounds for this plan. This is just one more part of Hussein’s “redistribution” agenda, from whites pulling the wagon to blacks riding in it. He cares not a jot that before long, there won’t be enough whites to pull the wagon and we will all come to a stop.
I don’t think with Obama and his ilk that it’s so much about lifting up the people on the receiving end of redistribution as it is whacking the crap out of those on the confiscation end.
Look at Obamacare - more people who had insurance lost it than those they were intending to insure who didn’t have it.