Education was always supposed to be in the control of the parents. The State has no “Right” to impose control/limits/curricula over parents. (it is a Natural Right and a Natural Duty to educate your own children, guaranteed by the Constitution.)
All education should be a “local” thing if the government has any business whatsoever, in it....which they really don’t unless extreme abuse/contrary to Natural Laws and God’s Laws (Constitution).
The State used to have NO power over any kids and education. They suggested but could not “force” kids even to attend school. That is a modern “thing”.
This Prussian system of today is unconstitutional and is about programming. True education flew out the door when the Progressives got their embedded Wundtian psychology and total Germanization of curricula and system, complete with destruction of the Classical Education (hey, ho, Western Civ has got to go). Classical Education created the USA and the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment and was the mainstay up until John Dewey in 1930.
The schools have successfully destroyed Virtue (fortitude/temperance/Wisdom/Excellence)-—flipped good and evil in our children and destroyed Reason and Critical Thinking with brainwashing and lies, and misinformation.
Very interesting.
We were talking about it the other day. I stated that the Dominicans taught us how to think.
We have a good school here, and it’s amazing to see well educated teachers fall into the illogical nature of contemporary thought. All younger. The older teachers are not necessarily better, just taught to think.
Thinking is most discouraged in most venues for young people
Actually, IIRC education is not mentioned in the Constitution. Thus the right of the state is reserved. At least I think that is what the states agreed to when they formed our union.
It would be helpful for some Constitutional scholar here on FR to tell us about this issue.