Thank you, good info. Perhaps the times such condition is relevant is when the patient is under observation by medical professionals prior to death. Since that is not the case here, it suggests the report is worthless.
My first impression was that any plan for the plane accident and her time in the water would have a lot of moving parts. There are easier ways and thus the accident may not be relevant.
It seems very important to know of her behavior (meals, etc.), contacts with others, physical experiences and the like for the preceding hours; to say nothing of a thorough autopsy.
“Thank you, good info. Perhaps the times such condition is relevant is when the patient is under observation by medical professionals prior to death. Since that is not the case here, it suggests the report is worthless.”
I don’t think much of it either. I’ve heard a lot about the toxicology report. When are they going to release that? Never, is probably a pretty good guess. I hope I’m wrong.
Planning a heart attack while she was flying and unable to get immediate medical help was pure genius ( cough cough)
The bang of the engine was just what a person who was looking over her shoulder trying to make sure she pleased the won needed to trigger anxiety enough to bring on a heart attack /TF