F all RINO’s
And Rubio’s conservative “cred” comes crashing down once again...
Does Linseed know that McQueeg has a new girlfriend?
BS It should have come out prior to the 2012 election.
Sometimes a person just has to sit back and admire the gall these people have.
And of course they mean the best time to publish would have been ‘NEVER’.
Juan “Lettuce” McBackStabbingAisleReachingAsshat — Beard for a Communist
So they’re OK with politicizing the war and endangering our troops? McCain should be recalled.
..yeah, this way Hildabeast can skate through without any worries.....****ing morons
Just when I thought Rubio might be gaining credibility again, he slips down the ladder, and lands on that old coot McLame.
I will agree, this should not have been written now... I’d have preferred it written BEFORE 2012!
Truth be told he should have quit in protest...then he wouldn’t have had to write a book.
Neocon club!
Don’tcha know the elites have to follow a code and protect each other. If too much information got out there about them to the general public, it could mess up the good thing they got going.
so the talk is all about how Gates is a betrayer for revealing that obama is a dumba$$...NOT about that fact that the dumba$$ is still running the country
I think this is the PERFECT time for him to release his book.
Not AFTER he is out of office and there is nothing that can be done. He is telling us NOW that we HAVE A DUMBA$$ RUNNING THE COUNTRY~!!!
(of course this means Boehner will have the balls to do anything about it, and he clearly doesn’t)
Rubio re-affirms that he is one of McLame’s butt-boys.
Absolutely yes, because we know the democrats would never criticize a sitting president.
And yes, two wrongs DO make a right here. Unless continuing to lose elections is the goal.
After all the pro-Obama tripe we have had foisted on us? I don’t think so.
You mean mac daddies great foreign policy?
How could it be any worse than it is now?
Yea lets wait until mac daddy has destroyed America, it that a good time?
And these are two of America’s elected leaders that sit by and watch this lawless squatter ignore laws that he do not benefit him or his perverse goals,.
Wow, you just can’t make these types of comment up.
Rubio is history. He has become Juan McCain’s new little Boy Toy along with Linda Graham.
Idiots like this is why the GOP is down to 22% of the population in the last Gallup poll on the subject.
People should wait until AFTER an incumbent leaves office before cricizing them. Like until AFTER the next Presidential Election when the information will be politically USELESS. As useless as that trio of mental midgets Rubio, McCain and Graham.