Precisely. Most of our black co-workers in the plant where I work tell me privately that they are ostracized by their own community as “Uncle Toms” simply because they are steady, full-time workers.
It was the same in the plant that I retired from. One of my best employees was black and she worked all the hours she could get at work and worked part time at a center for mentally disabled children. She raised three sons and all have the same dad. She hangs out with mostly white people and I heard negative things said about her at times from the other blacks but she was able to stand her ground. Still, she voted for Obama. I just shook my head. We could be pretty frank with each other and it’s like you said. If they want to live in the black community they have to behave a certain way. Most seem to feel like traitors if they vote for a white person over a black person regardless of how bad the black person is. Until they realize that the Democrats are not their friends, this will continue.