1 posted on
12/22/2013 6:44:37 AM PST by
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To: Salman
Tell me again why we should support our brave military . . .
2 posted on
12/22/2013 6:45:51 AM PST by
To: Salman
4 posted on
12/22/2013 6:47:09 AM PST by
(This is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion or satire; or both.)
To: Salman
5 posted on
12/22/2013 6:48:05 AM PST by
(All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing - that's how the left took over.)
To: Salman
The Bible still says its wrong. So it does not matter what Obama and his minions declare.
To: Salman
Now there is an iconic image of obama’s military
The Russians Chinese Norks Iranians and al Qaeda must be so impressed
seconds after this was taken groom#2 was smacked in the axx with groom#1’s sword
welcome to the Army, honey
7 posted on
12/22/2013 6:48:57 AM PST by
(Age takes a toll: Please have exact change)
To: Salman
Are the two swords to the groin and the one to the head have a secret meaning.
8 posted on
12/22/2013 6:49:38 AM PST by
To: Salman
that is so completely wrong
12 posted on
12/22/2013 6:53:17 AM PST by
(My heroes have always been cowboys)
To: Salman
Thank you Progressive Goodthinkers!
No one can gag the maggots like you folks!
13 posted on
12/22/2013 6:53:20 AM PST by
(Mass murder and cannibalism are the twin sacraments of socialism - "Who-whom?"-Lenin)
To: Salman
14 posted on
12/22/2013 6:53:33 AM PST by
(...and when I die I'll be republican dead.)
To: Salman
Impossible to have the same admiration and respect for those in uniform nowadays. Not with this faggotized military.
15 posted on
12/22/2013 6:53:36 AM PST by
To: Salman
Three years ago, Maj. Daniel Toven couldnt imagine being married, let alone having a ceremony in Fort Braggs Main Post Chapel. And he's still not.
16 posted on
12/22/2013 6:54:37 AM PST by
(Some people meet their heroes. I raised mine. Go Army.)
To: Salman
Three years ago, Maj. Daniel Toven couldnt imagine being married... He can keep on imagining. He still isn't married.
To: Salman
“Be not deceived. God is not mocked.” Galatians 6:7. No matter what the cowardly surrender monkeys in our military brass say, this is no “marriage” in God’s eyes.
They may have “blessed” their fornicating life style, but God certainly doesn’t.
To: Salman
24 posted on
12/22/2013 7:08:55 AM PST by
(Merry Christmas to all my fellow Americans. "Whatever" to everybody else!)
To: Salman
This is to be celebrated?
28 posted on
12/22/2013 7:12:48 AM PST by
(Obama-The Ultimate Terrorist Weapon.)
To: Salman
That’s enough to gag a maggot.
And this fairy expects to lead men into combat?
30 posted on
12/22/2013 7:18:54 AM PST by
(Half Staff the Flag of the US for Terrorists.)
To: Salman
What happens when a military brother and sister want to “marry?”
31 posted on
12/22/2013 7:19:05 AM PST by
(Conservatism is truth. Liberalism is lies.)
To: Salman
From the picture it looks like the guys with the swords are trying like hell not to laugh at these two queens.
32 posted on
12/22/2013 7:19:49 AM PST by
(Half Staff the Flag of the US for Terrorists.)
To: Salman
This is where I lose it. I don’t care if people want to bung each other all day, nine if my business...but I DO care when my TAX DOLLARS support something I consider vile. You and I paid for this wedding, the facilities and the uniforms.
34 posted on
12/22/2013 7:29:03 AM PST by
(...and to the Republic for which it stood.)
To: Salman
The good news: this end-state cultural rot is self correcting.
The bad news: the correction will be hell on earth.
Link to the full-text Free Republic thread.
35 posted on
12/22/2013 7:29:10 AM PST by
Travis McGee
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