Credit checks generally offer an unbiased picture of what kind of person you are dealing with.
In a world where some companies did not enter a negative comment every time you did not pay early, this would be true.
Credit checks are OK on a certain level depending on the job. You don't want someone with really bad credit as a comptroller, understandably.
But driving patients to and from doctor appointments-- I fail to see any relevance. This is an ENTRY LEVEL job which doesn't even involve handling cash.
And the number of people who have had their credit messed up by the ObaMao economy are legion. Mine went from the mid-800s to the high to mid-600s and I'm one of the lucky ones who just had too many bills to juggle and a few health issues. The last time I was out of work was for two months in 2002.
I beg to differ. Credit scores only reflect that someone is a stupid slave to the banking class and they reliably place themselves in debt and then they reliably service their debt.
My credit score is probably terrible because I've never had a credit card, I've never had a student loan, we've never had a mortgage (we paid cash for the ranch), and we pay cash for our cars.
100 years ago I would've been considered an upstanding Christian and a good member of the community for avoiding debt. These days I'm looked down on because I refuse to be in bondage to a bank.
IMHO a 'good credit rating' is just an indicator of how much someone will submit and conform to societal pressure. Maybe that means you'll get a good employee, but it doesn't mean they have good character.