Interesting..... is as I took note of all the laughter and smiles at the table and elsewhere at Geneva, and thought they were overplayed and done....that in Oct when Obama had his telephone conversation with Rouhani... Bi-Bi coined a phrase that certainly depects the photos here, and those taken in Geneva, Bi-Bi called it the "Smiley Campaign"...
He said..... that Iran leaders were 'using these gestures' as a smoke screen to conceal their unabated march toward a nuclear bomb. He's right.....there's been an onslaught of "smiley faces" at Geneva from the Iranians and they're certainly getting them back in return.
Rouhani is as bad as Abendiddy-jab.....same agenda...same thoughts concerning Iran's looking for Maudi and ushering the way for him to come by creating chaos...he just speaks English and carries himself better...but the agenda remains the exact same along with the mindset.
In many ways Rouhani is worse because he can hide it all behind a convincing mask....thus all the smiles and clever statements...
Obama fell for it and it was he extended his arm to Rouhani and began the talks....that's enough to give the shivers to anyone....and Rouhani ushered Obam right along.....and here we are.