It took parents to point out this book? Is the entire school system so corrupt that this pile of bias is allowed to brainwash the kids, without question?
(One of my favorites: he decried that the student body kept becoming "more diverse" while the faculty essentially stayed the same. I asked him if that meant there would be racial preferences used in hiring practices... after a long pause, he said "Of course there won't be. That would be illegal." My reply: "So why are you telling us this? Are you asking us to change? I'll claim to be Hispanic if you really need me to." (I have a nice Mediterranean tan going most of the time, thanks to some distant Cherokee in my bloodline.)
(Another: They were urging a NEW!! program... since the high-achievers had special classes, and the special needs kids had special classes, it was "unfair" that there were no special classes for the kids "that were lost in the middle". The genius solution? Hand-pick "middle" students we thought were most likely to succeed in the new program. When I pointed out that this would merely test our abilities to pick successful kids, rather than to see if the program worked on a random selection of those supposedly "lost" kids in the middle, I was rebuffed. Actually, I think that's when the ignoring began. LOL)