It’s just another very, very, anti-God’s Law policy of the left.
I have thought it is time for Conservatives to go ‘Galt’ on marriage. If you consider your marriage to be a bond under Christ, what the state considers you does not matter. All married couples should get divorced in the eyes of the state. This will change nothing in the eyes of God. If enough couples did this it would eliminate the power that the state has over your marriage. It would also distroy the socalist plans.
Take my wife and me for example. We have four kids and she is a stay at home mom. Currently I pay taxes and we get little to know state benefits. We go to the courthouse and file a non-contested divorce. Beside the piece of paper nothing changes. I would give her just enough of my pay that she still qualifies for food stamps, and welfare as an unemployed single mother. My tax rate would be lower because a good portion of my income would be going to alimony and child support. However, I would still claim all 4 kids as tax deductions. So, I would only lose a couple thousand dollars of tax deductions. Our effective tax rate would be a lot lower and we would have the extra income from the state. We would no longer be feeding the beast but draining it.
Enough people did this it would collapse the system.