>>I always tell people to think twice before they hop onto their adult version of the childrens toy and pedal into traffic.
Do you realize that in most of the world, adults ride bicycles? I agree that dressing up in spandex and riding from Point A back to Point A in a pack is not transportation, but those of us who like to save a trip in the car to go buy dog food are using a bicycle as legitimate and functional transportation.
Please think twice every time you head out, FRIend. Stay safe.
“Most of the world” is an impoverished dung heap, and 99.9% of the road traffic is not cars and trucks there (as it is here), but other bicycles, mopeds and scooters.
Ride all you want, but have lane discipline. Don’t ride on sidewalks either, if for no other reason than someone may be walking a large breed dog with a barely latent prey drive, like my American Bulldogs from my friend’s pack of wild hog catchers. You can’t pedal that fast.